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Monday 25 November 2013

Stir Fried French Bean and Tofu

Hey everybody,

Today I wish to share a simple Malay vegetable dish. Why did I post this recipe? Because each and every country has their own way of preparing a vegetable dish. I wanted to show and share how our vegetables were cooked in this Asia continent.

By the way, when I google, I found three different names for this bean. French bean, String Bean and Green Beans. I chose french beans.

Let's take a look at what's needed :

Some onion, garlic , chili and french beans
10 french beans (cut as picture above)
1 piece of tofu (cut into cube and stir fry a little. Put it aside first)
a handful of cut squid or little shrimp (it will lend a good aroma to the dish)
1 egg
1 red chili sliced
1 onion sliced
1 tea spoon of turmeric
2 tea spoon of fish sauce (if you don't have it, use salt instead)
1 tbl spoon of dark sweet soy
3 garlic crushed and cut in tiny pieces

Tofu & some squid and clam leftovers

First, as usual we need to heat up the cooking oil. Take about 2 table spoon of it and put it into the skillet.
Next, throw in the onion and garlic. Let the garlic brown a little.
Now, put in the squid or clam or whatever your heart fancy and pour a little water (1/4 cup) to moisten it a little.
Let all the ingredients incorporate.
Once the squid is cooked, throw in the green beans together with the lightly fried tofu.
Make a hole in the middle of the vegetables. Break an egg into it and stir until it thickens.
Now, you may add the sweet dark soy sauce, the fish sauce or salt and the sliced chilies.

Cooked for just about two minutes. Put off the fire and scrape it out from your skillet and place it in a plate.
It's ready. Takes not more than ten minutes to prepare and cook.

Fully nutritional. You can either eat it on its own or with a plate of rice. As for us Malaysians, we definitely will go with a plate of rice along with a few other dishes.

Happy cooking!

25th.Nov '13

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