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Saturday 29 August 2015

Me? An Author?

I had recently finished writing a manuscript, in Malay language and was ready to find a publisher to publish my book. It was a light thriller. I was required to send in the first three chapters and the evaluation will be made upon that.
I sent to three different publishers. Within 2 weeks I got the reply. All three turned down my manuscript.

My manuscript was read and evaluated by a team of juries. One publisher had 10 juries (the figure differs in each publisher). In one publisher, three of the juries voted for yes, the balance of seven voted for no. The second publisher, I got four 'yes' and six 'no'.
Thus, I didn't get to publish my first ever book written by me since last year.

How do I feel? Down and dejected for sure. But Sophie, Sara and Soffian was quick to console me. They said even J.K. Rowling was turned down more than she can remember before she finally made it, and she made it big!
Well, I don't dream to becoming the next J.K. Rowling, I just want to be a writer, a great one at that.

After I got the discouraging ratings from the three publishers, I stopped sending the manuscript to any other publisher. I will keep it to myself for now. The juries gave their tips and feedback on how to write better and a few of them encourage me to slightly re-write especially the beginning of the story.
But there was one jury that I think was not too smart. No, I am not being a sour grape just because they turned me down. On the contrary, I am being matter-of-fact. You know what he or she wrote in his/her comment? It says, " The story line was good but predictable. I don't have to read the whole book to know what the end would be. And I am pretty sure there would'nt be any twist or suspense towards the end."
Seriously? Who does he think he is? A mind reader?  I myself didn't know what the end would be until I came close to finishing the story, and yet this person got the balls to say that he knew what my end would be?  
Now I am getting all worked up. I personally think that to be a critic, a person should at least had to have passion for reading. Lots and lots of reading. He/she had to have a good general knowledge in almost everything so that he can relate to the storyline that he's immersing himself in at that moment.
Somehow, this jury gave me the reverse impression. The impression that says that he is not into much reading.

I used to read many books years ago but nowadays I would give myself a pat on the shoulder if I could finish three books in a year. I must say that I only read books written in English. I admire the time, the research, the pain the author had to go through to produce one book.
I don't look down on the local Malay writer but somehow the storyline was too light and superficial
for me to get addictive or strong enough to give me a grip to keep on turning the page even after bedtime hours. I did read a few Malay books belongs to Sophie and Sara a couple of years ago but I can't say that I was thrilled with the way the story was presented. It was plain, empty and missing the 'umphh' in it.
Their storyline would usually revolve around love, marriage and family feud. I know these elements were among the important ingredients that make or break our lives but hey...what's wrong with making it more interesting and in depth so that they could draw more mature readers like me. The Malays have always prefer a laid back and simple living in their lives and it reflected in their thinking. Movies that filled with comedy and action packed will attract audience that resulted in box office. Books followed suit, if the title sounded something like these,  Will you marry me, Mr Squid? or Do you love me? or A Part Time Wife and many more, then you can bet your last dime that it's gonna be a hit among young readers.   

Most probably the juries that read my manuscript thought that I am in the same category as the above-said authors.

Sophie asked me to write in English, said that my writing in Malay sounded a little off. I think I know what she meant by a little off. Malay language has a limited vocabulary. That is why every time when I can't think of the word in Malay, I will search it in English first and try to translate it later on.
That is why my Malay grammar sounded a little off but I think I should be alright after a while.
I don't want to write in English because I don't think my English is that good to write a book. Writing a blog is different . I don't really care about my grammar or  my sentence structure. As long as I got something on my mind, I can just plop down anywhere and write it straight away. No hassle with proof readers or editors. I am the writer and I am the sole editor.

So, what do I do now? Shall I keep sending my manuscript to the publishers or shall I wait until I had enough money to fund it/ publish it on my own?
People? Give me ideas please..  I know I have you guys that follow my blog regularly, so help me out here. I am open to suggestions.

I am penning off now. Had a busy day today. My bed is calling and my eyes are half open. I need my beauty sleep and don't anybody dare to wake me up with any text messages or phone calls.

Good night people and be safe wherever you are!

29th.Aug '15

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