Didalam tempuh hidup kita dari kecik hingga sekarang, pasti ramai yang pernah melalui saat-saat yang memalukan. Perkara sebegini terjadi dengan tidak disangka-sangka. Apa yang anda buat apabila perkara begini terjadi? Bagi saya, tiada apa yang dapat dilakukan hanya berharap masa berlalu dengan cepat ataupun kita sendiri berlalu pergi dari situ dengan cepat.
Tapi bila dikenangkan semula, ia menjadi satu bahan yang melucukan.Saya telah beberapa melalui keadaan ini. Apa yang saya tulis bukanlah untuk mengaibkan diri sendiri atau apa-apa, cuma ia mungkin dapat membuat semua tersenyum dan mudah-mudahan hari anda lebih ceria dengan cerita-cerita sebegini.
Dibawah saya listkan beberapa kejadian yang memalukan yang saya alami dulu.
Insiden pertama: Ini berlaku diawal perkahwinan saya (dalam 24 tahun dahulu). Saya bersama suami sedang menunggu bas di Prangin Road,Penang untuk balik ke Tg Bungah. Saya masih ingat saya memakai blouse putih dan skirt labuh berwarna hijau. Semasa menunggu bas dan disebabkan tak ada tempat duduk sebab ramai orang, saya pun berdiri bersama suami. Dalam semua-semua hari, kenapalah hari yang saya berdiri tu, tiba-tiba angin bertiup kuat. Betul-betul kuat. Kertas-kertas melayang, kotak-kotak dikedai berhampiran bertaburan dan keadaan agak kelam kabut ketika itu. Tiba-tiba, dihadapan manusia yang ramai itu,skirt kembang saya tadi tu terangkat dari bahagian belakang dengan agak tinggi. Saya dan suami sama-sama cuba untuk menarik skirt itu kebawah. Tiba-tiba angin datang dari arah bertentangan dan sekali lagi skirt saya ditiup angin. Kali ini dari bahagian depan pula. Terus dengan cepat saya meletak tangan dihadapan untuk mengelaknya dari ditiup lebih tinggi. Malunya bukan kepalang. Setelah angin reda saya tersenyum sendirian. Teringat pulak bagaimana gambar Marilyn Monroe yang gambarnya memakai skirt putih dan sengaja dibuat supaya ditiup angin sebegitu rupa menjadi masyhur serata dunia. Jadi jugak aku macam Marilyn Monroe tetapi bukan membanggakan tetapi amat memalukan.
Insiden kedua. Masa tu saya dan suami bekerja di Pan Pacific Pangkor sebagai penyambut tetamu. Minggu itu, kami bekerja dalam shift sama. Pagi itu kami bekerja tiga orang, saya, suami dan seorang lagi rakan India bernama Grace. Suami saya didalam office membuat paperwork untuk hari itu manakala saya dan Grace berada didepan. Selepas beberapa ketika, setelah selesai kerjanya, dia keluar dari office dan datang kedepan. Grace berdiri hampir dengan switchboard manakala saya agak jauh dari situ. Suami saya terus berjalan kearah Grace dan kemudian memegang belakang Grace. Saya memerhati dari tempat saya berdiri dan mendiamkan diri seketika. Pada waktu itu saya tahu yang suami saya telah tersilap orang. Disangkanya Grace itu saya kerana kami mempunyai ketinggian yang hampir sama serta fesyen rambut juga sama. Grace yang pada mulanya diam tiba-tiba baru perasan yang suami saya disebelahnya. Dia kemudian pusing mengadap suami saya, "Hey Ismail. What are you doing? I am not Rose la.." Suami terkejut dan menarik tangannya dengan segera.saya tidak dapat menahan diri lalu ketawa dengan sekuat hati. Nasib baik tak ada tetamu yang berlalu pada waktu itu.Insiden ketiga: Saya perlu ke bilik air dengan segera.Saya bersama dua orang rakan keluar untuk makan-makan bersama.Saya berjalan laju sebab perlu segera melepaskan hajat. Masuk saja saya kedalam bilik air, saya terasa seperti ada sesuatu yang pelik. Apa yang peliknya? Saya nampak urinal atau tempat kencing lelaki. Oh..oh..saya ni dah silap bilik air ke? Nak jadikan malu ni terlebih, ada pulak satu mamat ni keluar dari toilet. Dia tengok saya dengan muka selamba macam tak ada apa-apa tapi saya yang dah terlebih malu ni cepat-cepat bagi tau "tengah tunggu anak akak".Cepat pulak idea tunggu anak tu mai, kalau tak kantoi jugak aku tadi, fikir saya sendirian. Saya biarkan dia keluar dulu, kemudian cepat cepat saya berjalan keluar sebelum orang lain pulak masuk. Yang peliknya tu,perut yang memulas tadi tu pun boleh berhenti rasa sakit semasa keadaan meruncing.
Ini adalah di antara perkara yang memalukan dalam hidup saya. Ada banyak lagi yang memalukan tetapi agak keterlaluan untuk di kongsi bersama.
Kalau ada sesiapa yang ingin berkongsi pengalaman ini, bolehlah share bersama.
Sekian untuk entri ketiga saya. Insyaallah kita jumpa lagi di entri yang akan datang.
Throughout our lives, since the day we got to know the world until today, most of us must have went through some embarrassing and awkward moments one way or the other. It happened when we least expect it. What would you do in a situation like this? As for me, I did nothing. Just pray that it will go away faster than The Flash.
I've been through these many a time of which I am sure many of you out there share the same moment like I did and you know what? It became funny after a while.
Listed below were some of my most embarrassing and awkward moments in my live.
First incident: It happened at the early time of my marriage. My husband and I were waiting for a bus at Prangin Rad,Penang to return home at Tg.Bungah. I remembered wearing a white blouse and a green skirt. We were standing while waiting for the bus to arrive. Suddenly a strong wind blows. I mean really strong. You can see the shred of papers around were in the air and boxes stacked by the shop-lots thrown to every direction.Everybody was running and looking for some sort of shelter. Suddenly, my skirt were lifted from the back. I shout to my husband to help me pull down the skirt and the next thing we knew, the wind changed direction. This time it blew from the front. My skirt lifted from the front. I placed my two hands in front to cover it. Are you thinking what I am thinking. Yeap! You got it right! It reminded me of Marilyn Monroe in her white dress crouching placing her hands trying to cover the skirt. But then she seemed to enjoy it and she looked magnificent. Mind you, that picture made her well known through-out the universe. As for me only God knows how I feel back then. I am dark skinned so I guess people can't guess how red I was at that moment.
Second incident: It happened in late 80's. Both my husband and I were working at Pan Pacific Resort in Pangkor. We were placed on the same shift that week. That morning, there were 3 of us working. My husband, our colleague Grace and me.(both Grace and I were receptionist while my husband was holding 2 posts, receptionist and auditor) He was inside the office finishing some of his auditing work. After done with his paperwork, he came out. Grace was standing next to the swithboard whereas I was slightly further.My husband walked straight to where Grace was standing and placed his hand on Grace's shoulder and was stroking it lightly.Grace was quiet for a while maybe thinking what the hell was going on. I was watching from afar and knew at that time that he had mistook me for Grace. Grace and I share the same height, same hair-style and even our skin was nearly the same, so can't wholly blame my poor husband hundred percent.I suppressed my laughter waiting to see what happened next. Suddenly Grace got her voice. Slowly she turned towards my husband and said, Hey Ismail, what do you think you are doing? Faster than a strike of lightning, my husband pulled his hand away from Grace and murmured a lame sorry. I laughed my heart out when Grace turned her face towards me with an angry voice and said ,"What? You think it's funny?" Seeing her red with anger I stopped laughing and apologized. I shared the story among friends and always end up laughing without finishing the story.
Third Incident : I need to use the wash room, urgent. I mean real urgent! I was out with my 2 friends . After excusing myself, I walked fast past some tables and finally reached the wash room. I went inside and was about to enter the little room when I feel something is not right here. What is it? Then I realize there's a few urinal fixed against the wall. Don't tell me I got the wrong room. At that particular time, a guy walked out the little room and looked at me as if I am one of them. He smiled like that was the most natural thing to do in that situation.I smiled back and said something like "I am waiting for my son, he's inside." Wow, where did that idea come from? It came fast.I let him walked out first before quickly let myself out of the wash room. I didn't even feel the need to use the toilet after that.
Those were some of the most awkward and embarrassing moments in my life. There are many more embarrassing incidents which I would rather not share out here.
If you had gone through like what I've been through why not share it here..
Till then, will see you guys soon with my next entry.. Have a nice day!!!
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