Salam sejahtera,
Apabila kita bercakap tentang wanita, selalunya perkataan yang seiring dengan wanita adalah kecantikan. Kecantikan seperti sesuatu yang amat penting bagi setiap wanita. Kita kosongkan poket , malah sanggup menahan kesakitan semata mata untuk kelihatan cantik ! Jadi, apakah maksud cantik itu sendiri ? Betulkah macam yang selalu kita dengar 'Kecantikan yang sebenar datang dari dalam'?
Saya agak yakin ramai yang akan setuju apabila saya katakan perkara pertama yang kita lihat pada diri seseorang itu ialah rupanya. Kekaguman terhadap kecantikan seseorang itu boleh membutakan mata kita pada segala kekurangan mereka. Kecantikan dalaman itu adalah perkara kedua selepas luaran. Tanpa kita sedari, kita akan melihat dan menimbang kecantikan seseorang itu dulu barulah kita lihat budi pekertinya.
Jadi, apa definisi cantik itu sendiri ? Bagi saya, ini terpulang kepada individu sendiri.
Wanita sanggup menghabiskan beratus malah beribu-ribu ringgit hanya nak nampak cantik dengan melakukan pembedahan plastik dan kaedah- kaedah lain.
Apa yang membuatkan seorang wanita itu kelihatan cantik ? Mata, hidung, bibir ? Ataupun rambut ? Akan ada satu bahagian tubuh seseorang itu yang membuatkan kita tertarik kepada mereka. Sesetengah wanita memang sudah dikurniakan dengan rupa paras yang cantik serta menawan dan mereka membawa diri mereka dengan penuh keyakinan tanpa kelihatan perasan. Saya suka perempuan yang macam tu. Untuk kelihatan seksi, seseorang wanita itu tidak perlu berjalan dengan lengkok yang terlebih ataupun berpakaian terdedah.
Kita tengok Siti Nurhaliza. Cantik semula jadi. Dia make up ka tak make up ka, cantik macam tu ja. Tapi saya suka tengok mata dia. Seksi. Mungkin ada yang tak setuju dengan saya tapi itulah, kecantikan seseorang tu satu perkara yang subjectif. Kita kata cantik, orang lain tengok lain pulak komennya.
Hari tu saya tanya Sara, kenapa setiap kali kalau perempuan nampak cermin, dia akan berhenti tengok ? Apa sebenarnya yang mereka takut ? Ada kesan comot kat muka kah atau nak tengok muka aku ni masih okay ka dalam keadaan yang panas diluar sana atau pun ada sebab sebab lain?
Bagi saya lah, orang yang selalu pandang cermin, macam kurang keyakinan diri nya. Bila saya cakap macam ni, Sara (anak bongsu saya) tarik muka. "Dia kata, maksud ma kalau macam tu Ya pun kurang keyakinan dirilah?" Saya pandang dia , " Oh! yaya pun selalu buat macam tu ka? Berenti kat mana ada cermin jugak lah? Kalau macam tu rasanya memang kurang yakin dengan diri sendiri". Dia marah dengan saya dia kata saya kejam. Ehmm.. nasiblah kadang-kadang ada sikit la sifat kejam kat anak-anak. Nanti marah pulak dia orang.
Macam Fazura ni, dia memang cantik betul. Bagi saya dia cantik sebab senyumannya yang nampak ikhlas dan juga dia "witty". Kombinasi kedua-dua nya membuatkan dia kelihatan seksi.
Jenis wanita yang saya rasa cantik dan seksi selain dari Fazura dan Siti Nurhaliza adalah seperti Sarah Jessica Parker, Julia Roberts, Puteri Diana dan Jennifer Lopez. Walaupun keempat-empat mereka mempunyai sikit kekurangan seperti Puteri Diana (hidungnya agak besar), J Lo (pinggul yang agak lebar), Julia Roberts (bibir yang agak luas) dan Sara Jessica ( muka yang agak panjang) tetapi kekurangan ini juga menjadikan mereka terkenal di seluruh dunia.
Jadi, memandangkan awak pandai sangat dalam hal kecantikan ni, apa kata awak bagi sikit tips macam mana nak nampak cantik? Mungkin ini soalan dari anda untuk saya.
Ini jawapannya dari pakar kecantikan (merujuk kepada diri sendiri..rasa hebat sendiri)
* Bagi saya, perkara paling asas, kalau kita tengok cermin dan nampak sedikit kekurangan terutamanya di wajah kita, cuba belajar teknik make up untuk menutup kekurangan dan seeloknya kita pakai sikit bedak asas (kulit kita orang melayu ni agak gelap sikit jadi cepat nampak berminyak). Lepas tu pakai sikit lipstik. Dah pun nampak ceria. Tak payah tebal-tebal make up.
*Postur : Maaf tak jumpa perkataan melayu. Kita harus belajar berdiri tegak dan bila duduk jangan terlalu membongkok. Memang payah mula-mula tapi bila dah biasa jadi senang dan kita pun nampak cantik. Lagi satu orang kita memang agak rendah jadi kaki kita pun tak terlalu panjang. Disebabkan ini bila kita jalan, kita nampak macam gopoh sebab langkah kita pendek. Cuba jalan dengan melangkah satu persatu, jangan terlalu cepat. Baru nampak stail sikit.
*Yang terakhir, cara pemakaian kita. Setiap hari bila saya keluar ke pekan ke atau kemana-mana pun, saya pasti akan nampak corak pemakaian orang kita. Tak kira lah tua ataupun muda, cuba pakai dengan kaedah yang selamat iaitu kalau baju kita bercorak atau pun berbunga besar, elakkan pakai tudung yang bercorak juga. Cari tudung yang kosong. Begitu juga sebaliknya kalau pakai tudung berbunga, cuba pakai baju yang kosong. Kalau banyak sangat warna dan corak rasa serabut ataupun bak kata orang Penang, raplah.
Jadi, apabila kita gabungkan kesemua di atas, iaitu sedikit bedak dan lipstick di wajah, berjalan dengan mengatur langkah dengan betul, berdiri tegak dan tidak terlalu membongkok serta memakai pakaian yang tidak terlalu berwarna warni ataupun terlalu banyak corak, kita dapat.. taa daa! seorang wanita yang sedap mata memandang.
Okay lah. Itu saja yang dapat saya kongsi hari ni.
Jumpa lagi di tulisan akan datang, In Sya Allah!
25th.Jan '13
Hello all,
When we talk about women, the next word that precedes to a woman is beauty. Beauty is something holy to women. We empty our pockets for beauty, we sit in front of a mirror for hours and we even endure pain for beauty. So what is beauty? It's a cliche thing if I were to say "beauty comes from within" or something similar to this phrase.
I think many would agree with me that when we look at a person, the first thing we look at is his or her looks. Awestruck we were with a person's beauty that we sometimes forgot about the flaws they may have.
To be blunt, there's no such thing as when we look at a person, we look at the beauty inside. This inner beauty is secondary. We would naturally look and weigh how pretty or beautiful the girl is first, then, and only then will we search if she is beautiful inside.Then comes sexy. How to define beauty?
Women are lavishing their money on a plastic surgery or expensive facial uplift without even a blink, for the rich at least. These cosmetic surgeries are receiving an overwhelming response from the ladies .
What makes a woman beautiful? Was it her eyes or her nose, her lips or even her hair? There will always be one significant point that attracted us to a person's features. Some women were blessed with good looks and they carry themselves confidently and at ease without being vain. I like that in a woman. With that air of confidence comes sexiness. Women don't have to sway their hips exaggeratedly or to bare too much of their flesh to look sexy.
The above is our Malaysian singer, Siti Nurhaliza. I deliberately paste her picture without much makeup. She's the type that wears long dresses and never in any appealing dresses throughout her career and yet I find her sexy. To me, her eyes look sexy. I am sure many will not agree with me but then beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, right.
The other day, I was telling Sara (my daughter) , I wonder why women and girls alike, will stop and stare at themselves whenever they saw or passed by a mirror. What actually are they afraid of finding? That there's a smudge on their faces or what? Personally I think those who stop and stare at themselves endlessly, had a problem with their level of self-confidence. When I said this, Sara pulled a face at me and said, "Then you are saying that my level of self confidence is low too?". I turned to her and said "You did that too? I mean staring at yourself in the mirror at every chance you got?" So I guess yeah, you had to do something with your self confidence. She retorted, "You're mean". I replied, "At times I had to".

The picture above is our local actress, Fazura. Simply put she's beautiful. I don't usually like a face too pretty or beautiful coz I find it boring. In Fazura's case I find her smile and wittiness sexy. She is herself. She carried herself as if she didn't give a care about her looks. That is both beautiful and sexy.
My type of beautiful people, among others are Julia Roberts,Sarah Jessica Parker and Jeniffer Lopez. Any disagreement people? Halle Berry maybe beautiful and sexy to others but to me she's just a thin and slightly boyish woman and not sexy at all. The media made a fuss about her sexiness. As for me, I've given my reasons.
Princess Di |
Julia Roberts |
Sarah Jessica Parker |
Jennifer Lopez |
All the women above are both successful and beautiful. But they have their flaws:
Julia Roberts mouth is a tad too wide, Prince Diana's nose is slightly big, J Lo's butt is too wide and Ms Parker's face is slightly elongated yet these flaws, I believe has become their biggest assets. It fitted them perfectly and had made them one of the most beautiful women in the world. For sexy category, I would give credit to Ms Lopez. She is sexy all over. She exudes it everywhere she goes.
If you notice it, these women didn't seem to be obsessed with their beauty except for the late princess (but then she had to, she was a princess after all) They portrayed themselves effortlessly. This is when the phrase "true beauty comes from within" applied.
So, since you're so expert in beauty, what's your advise for girls out there? This question may comes from you people out there for me to answer.
Okay, read and understand what the expert had to say (referring to me, wow)
* I would say, when you look at your self in the mirror and didn't like what you see, first and foremost find what was your weakest facial point/features, then learn to enhance it by covering it with makeup techniques. Always remember especially for us Malay women (many of us were born with brown skin tone) to always apply some basic powder or foundation (natural tone) on our face. Even though some of us hated makeups, a little touch of lipstick would work wonders.
* Posture : Asian tend to forget about posture. We slouch when we sit, we slouch when we stand. Walk straight coz all these contributed to a beautiful facade. Learn to stand straight and hold it right there. You'll get use to it.
* Again Asian are mostly short in term of height. Therefore we tend to walk fast as we have shorter legs. Learn to stride and push the legs firmly one after another at a slower but firmer pace. That would surely look good.
* The last one would be how to dress up and look great in a 30 ringgit dress. For those who wears head scarf, remember if your headscarf already is a mix of many colours, tone it down with a plain dress. Most crucial is never, never wear a striped T-Shirt with a flowery or polka dot pants or sarong and top it up with some colourful scarfs. It looks too much and messy. That is a fashion crime.
Enough said. Had to sneak up to my kitchen and see what to prepare for lunch.
Until then, have a nice day or evening wherever you may be.
25th.Jan '13