Sunday, 31 August 2014
Spaghetti Bolognese Dan Bebola Daging
Salam semua,
Tengah mood rajin hari tu, masak sampai tak berenti. Hampir separuh hari saya didapur, buat sarapan, lunch dan untuk minum petang pun!
Nanti bila mai penyakit malaih tu, tok sah dok kata apa dah. Memang tak bergerak.
Untuk dinner malam Rabu lepas, saya buat spaghetti. Bukannya ada sapa sangat pun di rumah, cuma Sophie dengan saya saja. Abah dia sampai rumah selalunya dah dekat pukui 9. Selalunya dia dah siap makan kat luar. Tapi dek teringin nak makan punya pasai, saya buat sikit untuk kami bertiga.
Petua dari saya, sos bolognese ni lebih sedap rasanya jika disimpan semalaman, bagi saya lah. Jadi kiranya sos ni saya dah buat sehari sebelum saya nak makan.
Bahan-Bahan nya :
250gm spaghetti pasta
Panaskan air yang dah dicampur dengan sedikit garam dan 2 sudu makan minyak zaitun, rebus sehingga mendidih.
Bila dah mendidih, masukkan spaghetti kedalam periuk dan rebus selama lebih kurang 6 ~ 10 minit.
(Sila lihat di paket pasta ada di tulis berapa minit perlu di masak mengikut jenis pasta yg kita beli)
Angkat keluar dan toskan.
Simpan sedikit air rebusan pasta tadi. Nanti boleh digunakan untuk sos bolognese yang akan kita masak sekejap lagi.
Bahan- bahan untuk sos pula :
250 gm daging kisar
4 ulas bawang putih di rincik kecil
2 sudu teh serbuk bwg putih
2 labu bwg besar di cincang kecil
2 biji tomato masak ranum dikisar halus
3 sudu besar minyak zaitun
2 helai daun bay
sedikit italian herbs
sedikit oregano
4 sudu makan sos cili
1 tin sos prego
2 1/2 tin (bekas sos prego) air kosong
1/2 tin ( " " ) air rebusan pasta
sedikit garam, gula dan serbuk lada hitam
1 piring kecil parmesan cheese
1) Panaskan periuk dengan minyak zaitun. Campak masuk bawang besar dan bawang putih.
Kacau sampai agak layu. Tabur juga daun bay, oregano dan italian herbs.
2) Tuangkan pula tomato yang dikisar tadi. Biarkan lebih kurang 2 minit. Sekarang masukkan pula
daging cincang tadi dan kacau rata supaya tidak berketul.
(saya lebih suka menggunakan corned beef sebab rasanya memang sedap tapi hari ni saya gunakan
daging biasa)
3) Biarkan ia mereneh sehingga jus tomato tadi hampir kering baru dimasukkan sos prego dan sos cili.
Gunakan tin prego tadi dan isi penuh air kedalam tin itu dan tuang masuk ke dalam sos yang sedang
direneh itu. Isi air sebanyak 2 1/2 kali dan kali ke 3 kita guna lebihan air rebusan pasta tadi.
(Teknik ini boleh menjadikan sos kita menjadi lebih pekat dan cantik texture nya.)
4) Buka api perlahan selama lebih kurang 45 minit ke satu jam. Biarkan sos mereneh.
Di waktu ini, bolehlah dimasukkan garam, gula, serbuk bwg putih dan serbuk lada hitam.
5) Selepas 45 minit ~ satu jam, sos akan memekat dan akan bertukar menjadi merah gelap. Ini menunjukkan
dah masak. Kalau mahu di simpan di dalam peti sejuk, biarkan ia sejuk betul-betul.
Sos dah siap.
Kepada yang ingin membuat sendiri bebola daging, bolehlah mencubanya seperti di bawah :
250gm daging kisar (boleh dpt dalam 9 ketul bebola)
2 sudu teh serbuk bwg putih
2 sudu makan serbuk roti (breadcrumb)
1 biji telur
sedikit garam, sedikit serbuk lada hitam
2 sudu makan tepung gandum
Campurkan kesemua bahan-bahan dan gaul sehingga rata dan sekata.
Panaskan periuk yang berisi air dan tunggu sehingga mendidih.
Bila air dah mendidih, campak masuk bebola dan biarkan sehingga bebola mula timbul ke permukaan.
Bila dah timbul, ceduk keluar dan toskan.
Bila dah sedia nak makan, bolehlah kita saute kan didalam kuali dan balik-balikkan sehingga keperangan.
Dan kita panaskan kembali sos spaghetti kita diatas api sederhana perlahan dan tambah lebihan air rebusan pasta tadi.
Biarkan ia mereneh sampai agak likat. Tutup api dan biarkan sedikit sejuk.
Hidangkan dengan menabur parmesan cheese mengikut selera anda.
Nampak macam susah tapi sebenarnya sangat mudah.
1st. Sept '14
Saturday, 23 August 2014
Sandwich Goreng
Assalamualaikum semua,
Petang semalam saya buat Sandwich Goreng buat minum petang. Resipi ni saya nampak di TV, iaitu ketuk ketuk Ramadhan, Sheila Rusly hos nya. Tapi malangnya saya tak sempat tengok sampai habis sebab terpaksa bergegas ke tempat lain. Apa pun saya sempat tengok cara dia sediakan roti ni tetapi intinya saya buat inti lain sebab tak tau apa inti yang Sheila Rusly pakai.
Bahan-bahan yang kita perlukan :
1 loaf roti (saya pakai Gardenia)
Minyak untuk menggoreng
3 biji telur direbus
3 sudu makan mayonnaise
sikit garam
sikit lada sulah
1 labu bawang besar di cincang kecil
sedikit daun salad di cincang kecil
sedikit tomato dipotong kiub kecil
Cara membuat nya :
Mula-mula ambil telur rebus tadi dan lenyek sehingga lumat. (Lebih senang di lenyek semasa telur masih panas)
Kemudian campurkan mayonnaise, garam dan lada sulah kedalam telur dan gaul rata.
Sayur yang dipotong tadi di campur dan di gaul sekali kedalam telur dan ketepikan dulu.
Sekarang ambil 2 keping roti dan lekapkan bersama.
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2 keping roti yg dah di gelek menjadi begini |
Kemudian ambil kayu pencanai dan gelekkan keatas roti tadi sehingga mampat.
Bila mampat ia kelihatan sangat nipis dan leper.
Sekarang ambil mug yang besar dan tekapkan ke atas roti tadi.
Ataupun boleh juga di potong segi empat tepat supaya kita tidak membazirkan roti tadi.
Sekarang panaskan api dengan api yang sederhana perlahan. Jgn tunggu sehingga minyak terlalu panas sebab roti kita akan terlebih masak dan hangus.
Goreng sekejap, (jangan di tinggalkan) dan balikkan ia supaya masak sama rata.
Bila dah kekuningan angkat. Tunggu sekejap biar sejuk sedikit.
Kemudian ambil pisau kecil dan di hiriskan di satu hujung untuk membuat sedikit bukaan.
Terakhir, ambil inti telur tadi dan masukkan ke dalam roti yang dah di goreng itu. Dah siap untuk di makan.
Anggaran Cost :
Roti : RM 2.60
Telur : RM 1.20
Lain lain bahan : RM 2.00
Jumlah : RM 5.80 (boleh dapat dalam 8 keping)
Masa penyediaan dan menggoreng : Lebih kurang 15 minit sahaja.
24th.Aug '16
MH 17 - In Memory
Hello all,
Yesterday, Malaysia has declared the National day for mourning for the crashed Malaysia Airline carrier, the MH 17. The plane crashed after being shot down (within Ukraine air space) on July 17th.
The found bodies (or part of the bodies) from the crash site of those on board made it's way back (from the Dutch Land) yesterday arriving Malaysia about ten something in the morning. Malaysians were called to observe a one minute of silence in honour to the victims.
I don't usually pay much attention or give much thought about what's going on around me, but yesterday I was with thousands of others paying a minute of silence in memory to those who lost their lives in the crash. Even though I wasn't at the appointed venue (where the bodies were), I felt obligated to share my sorrow with many others by donning on my black pants and blouse. I did that and read a little prayer for all. Amen.
I may never or can never fathom what's inside the mind of the family members who had lost their loved ones on that tragic day. What I can say is, life is too short. We are here today, healthy and chirpy, but who knows what tomorrow brings.
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The second picture was that of a nine month old baby name Abderrahman. He may not know what's going on around him but he stole the heart of many with his innocent look. His father, a co pilot was one of the victims.
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Abderrahman being carried by one of his dad's colleagues during the prayer |

The heart wrenching scene and the sorrow the involved families had to go through was agonizing. I am certain each and every one of us had at one time or another received the unwelcome news of losing someone we loved. But most of us lost our loved ones in a usually "acceptable" death such as death from old age or death from a chronic disease of which we kind of anticipate it prior to the death itself., even though it still hurt badly.
When I watched the live telecast of the proceeding of the bodies upon their returning to the homeland, tears strolled unchecked. I thought to myself, not even one of the victims were any one I knew, yet I was choked with emotion and my heart went out to the family members.
The deceased had been dealt with full respect and may they be at a better place now. It's the survived family members that had to go through these difficult period.
How are they to face tomorrow?
A child who lost his mom or dad. He needed her consolation and that warm hug that says everything will be alright, we are here for you.
A wife that will be alone bringing up a baby on her own.
A father who lost his son. He may have thought at one point, "It should be me instead of him".
A mother whose love for their children can never be measured with anything in this world. She may be breathing but a big gaping hole inside her will never be cured.
As for us, we are here, still having the chance to be with our loved ones. Therefore, we should treasure all those that were close to us, with unconditional love. Love them the way it should be.
Our families, they knew us like the back of their hands. By a slight twitch of the mouth, we knew what he or she meant.
We knew the way our sons act when he lied.
We knew what our husband felt, when his face turned dark.
We knew what our daughter wants when she kept peeking at you.
I know it wasn't easy to be nice at all time but let's try being nice half of the time, I am sure that would be acceptable. The other half time can be allocated to being cranky, angry and last but not least nagging. Favourite pastime for mothers and women. Don't get me wrong! Nagging creates good qualities in our children. Just don't overdo it. You might lose your husband if you're not too careful about it.
I end this entry with Al Fatihah for the Muslims and Rest in Peace for all the other victims. My heart goes out to the families. Stay strong and lets pray for their happiness in the other world.
God Bless everybody and have a safe day every one.
23rd.August '14
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Puisi Alam Tua
Assalamualaikum semua,
Sudah agak lama saya ingin mencuba menulis bait-bait puisi. Hari ini saya mencuba. Bait bait puitis ini lahir ikhlas dari hati saya. Walaupun ia bukanlah bahasa yang indah seperti yang biasa di tulis oleh penulis-penulis hebat sebelum ini, namun tulisan ini lahir dari hati dan minda saya.
Gelap malam menghibakan
Ku pujuk hati menanti mimpi
Moga beroleh mimpi nan indah
Menjauhkan sisa hiba dikala siang
Usia menginjak turutan alam
Hati berkocak di alun duka
Dosa apakah yang merantai diri
Bahagia hati sekelumit cuma
Jauh mendalam kelana hati
Mencari Nur anugerah Ilahi
Terkadang tenang terkadang hambar
Masih jauhkah aku dari rahmatMu
Manusia jelek kelabu jiwanya
Mengelilingiku, memaniskan tingkahnya
Dalam teragak aku terima tanpa wasangka
demi namaMu bersihkan jiwa mereka manusia haloba
Di kesiangan alam ku lihat sejelas kaca
Terkedu aku pantasnya masa merubah segala
Wajah muda beransur tua
Terlalu leka mengejar dunia
Hentikan lah kegilaan ini mohon ku padaNya
Manusia jelek kelabu jiwanya
Aku maafkan kamu demi ketenangan
Ku buangkan dendam amarah dari jiwaku
Mensucikan hati yang bertinta hitam
Subhanallah! Aku tersadar sebelum terlambat
Aku bersimpuh di terik 'asar
Mencongak sisa di alam sementara
Bahagiaku kini didepan mata
Menerima diriku seadanya
Mengabdikan diri padaMu yang Esa
Selamat datang Alam Tua
21st.August '14
Thursday, 14 August 2014
A Moderate Eid
Hello friends and salam to all my Muslim readers!
We had just completed our Ramadhan on the 27th.July. Eid Mubarak everybody! Don't over eat. You might gain a few kilos within just a few days compared to what you had shed during one month fasting time.
It's true. I had lost a couple of kilos during Ramadhan month and like magic, I gained a kilo on the first day of Eid. What a waste!
This year we celebrate Eid in our new home. I don't know what my actual feeling is. Partly sad and at the same time happy. Sad because I am away from my former home, back north in Langkawi Island. Happy because my current home is within Malay community. And when in Malay community, we can expect the full scale of celebration even before the Eid. The Quran reading, the Tarawih prayer and the community itself. It all bring back my childhood memories.
I did't hold any open house for this year Eid celebration. Reason being, the house is a tad too small to accommodate friends and relative and I don't have many friends and acquaintances just yet from around here.
Still, as family we had great time. Everyone was at home except for Soffian. He's got to work on the Eid itself. Ariff flew down here and Sara got a week holiday from her college.I felt incomplete since one of us is missing.
As usual I was the busiest person ever.
The traditional food during this festive season is ketupat and beef rendang. Ketupat is a delicacy made from sticky rice or glutinous rice, cooked with coconut milk. The process of weaving this delicacy is intricate and can be time consuming. But I believe that's what added up to the festive mood. It had to be steamed or boiled for about an hour. This delicacy best eaten with beef rendang. Anybody who never tasted rendang in their life, don't know what they are missing! It's heaven. Ask Anthony Boudain. He can verify that to you.
Believe it or not, Sophie and Sara were much a better artist than I am when it comes to weaving the ketupat. But then again, I was never a total woman. This is ladies job whereas I am not.
I cooked some briyani rice, tomato rice,yellow noodle with sweet potato sauce, some Eid cookies (homemade mind you!), ketupat (sticky rice wrapped in a fan palm leaf),white noodle with fish gravy (laksa), beef rendang, chicken in tomato sauce and a few other side dishes for the first three days. I was totally exhausted.
I loved it down here since it is easily accessible to anywhere within the country compared to the island. My beloved sister came by on the first day. So did my friends and Sophie's friends.
A few days before the Eid, Sara came home and the three of us went for last minute shopping. I got them a pair of traditional dress each and they both looked pretty in their baju kurungs. It's wasn't the shopping itself that we wanted to do, it's just we wanted to be apart of the last minute crowd in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, since we never got the chance of doing so while we were in Langkawi.
How do I feel about it? Well, I didn't enjoy the trip at all. I could say I got claustrophobic with people moving around me separated with only a few inch from my body.
A week after that, without planning ahead, we somehow managed a little family gathering at my elder sister's house. My other sister from Penang came down here to attend her in-law's daughter's wedding. Then we thought why not call our two cousins who lived not too far away from us ( about an hour's drive). They agreed to come. It just happened.
The food was plentiful. My sister cooked almost everything by herself, with the help from her daughter, Nadya. We agreed to have a little B.B.Q at her front porch since the sky looked threatening. The boys helped with grilling while we sat around and chat. (the boys dare not complain since the cooking was done by the ladies)
I made some desserts and brought over to her house. It was great. There were about 20 of us at the same time. Everyone was busy catching up with current news about each other's family.
We left my sister's house well after seven p.m. My back was hurting but it was all worth it. I loved the simplicity of our gatherings and hopefully we could arrange it again next year with more cousins and families.
Oh, I just thought of sharing our family portrait with you guys out there. There should be six of us but Soffian couldn't make it. So there was only five of us.
Hope you people enjoy reading this entry. Until then, have a great day everybody!
14th.Aug '15
We had just completed our Ramadhan on the 27th.July. Eid Mubarak everybody! Don't over eat. You might gain a few kilos within just a few days compared to what you had shed during one month fasting time.
It's true. I had lost a couple of kilos during Ramadhan month and like magic, I gained a kilo on the first day of Eid. What a waste!
This year we celebrate Eid in our new home. I don't know what my actual feeling is. Partly sad and at the same time happy. Sad because I am away from my former home, back north in Langkawi Island. Happy because my current home is within Malay community. And when in Malay community, we can expect the full scale of celebration even before the Eid. The Quran reading, the Tarawih prayer and the community itself. It all bring back my childhood memories.
I did't hold any open house for this year Eid celebration. Reason being, the house is a tad too small to accommodate friends and relative and I don't have many friends and acquaintances just yet from around here.
Still, as family we had great time. Everyone was at home except for Soffian. He's got to work on the Eid itself. Ariff flew down here and Sara got a week holiday from her college.I felt incomplete since one of us is missing.
As usual I was the busiest person ever.
The traditional food during this festive season is ketupat and beef rendang. Ketupat is a delicacy made from sticky rice or glutinous rice, cooked with coconut milk. The process of weaving this delicacy is intricate and can be time consuming. But I believe that's what added up to the festive mood. It had to be steamed or boiled for about an hour. This delicacy best eaten with beef rendang. Anybody who never tasted rendang in their life, don't know what they are missing! It's heaven. Ask Anthony Boudain. He can verify that to you.
Believe it or not, Sophie and Sara were much a better artist than I am when it comes to weaving the ketupat. But then again, I was never a total woman. This is ladies job whereas I am not.
I cooked some briyani rice, tomato rice,yellow noodle with sweet potato sauce, some Eid cookies (homemade mind you!), ketupat (sticky rice wrapped in a fan palm leaf),white noodle with fish gravy (laksa), beef rendang, chicken in tomato sauce and a few other side dishes for the first three days. I was totally exhausted.
I loved it down here since it is easily accessible to anywhere within the country compared to the island. My beloved sister came by on the first day. So did my friends and Sophie's friends.
A few days before the Eid, Sara came home and the three of us went for last minute shopping. I got them a pair of traditional dress each and they both looked pretty in their baju kurungs. It's wasn't the shopping itself that we wanted to do, it's just we wanted to be apart of the last minute crowd in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, since we never got the chance of doing so while we were in Langkawi.
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Sophie & Sara in their traditional dress |
How do I feel about it? Well, I didn't enjoy the trip at all. I could say I got claustrophobic with people moving around me separated with only a few inch from my body.
A week after that, without planning ahead, we somehow managed a little family gathering at my elder sister's house. My other sister from Penang came down here to attend her in-law's daughter's wedding. Then we thought why not call our two cousins who lived not too far away from us ( about an hour's drive). They agreed to come. It just happened.
The food was plentiful. My sister cooked almost everything by herself, with the help from her daughter, Nadya. We agreed to have a little B.B.Q at her front porch since the sky looked threatening. The boys helped with grilling while we sat around and chat. (the boys dare not complain since the cooking was done by the ladies)
I made some desserts and brought over to her house. It was great. There were about 20 of us at the same time. Everyone was busy catching up with current news about each other's family.
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Sitting behind from left is my cousin, Jasmin, my sister Mariam, my other sister Norida, my cousin Liza. I am the one sitting alone in front. |
We left my sister's house well after seven p.m. My back was hurting but it was all worth it. I loved the simplicity of our gatherings and hopefully we could arrange it again next year with more cousins and families.
Oh, I just thought of sharing our family portrait with you guys out there. There should be six of us but Soffian couldn't make it. So there was only five of us.
Hope you people enjoy reading this entry. Until then, have a great day everybody!
14th.Aug '15
Friday, 8 August 2014
Ikan Tiga Rasa
Salam Aidil Fitri semua,
Masih tak terlambat lagi kan untuk saya mengucapkan salam aidil fitri ni. Di sana sini masih ada rumah terbuka yang di anjurkan oleh rakan dan teman.
Dah muak sangat-sangat dah makan makanan hari raya ni. Ayam daging ayam daging! Peti sejuk saya dah saya kosongkan daripada daging-daging ni....tak la selamanya, cuma untuk seminggu dua ni.
Disebabkan dah lama saya tak makan nasi sebelah malam, malam tadi saya buat ikan tiga rasa (versi saya), ketam cili dan sikit sayur. Bukannya apa, kat sini mahal kalau nak makan macam ni di luar. Rindu pulak kat Langkawi bila fikir bab-bab makanan laut ni.
Bahan-bahan :
1 ekor ikan (siakap, jenahak, gerut atau apa-apa yg anda suka)
sikit garam dan tepung ubi.
Lumurkan ikan tadi dengan garam dan tepung ubi.
Untuk sos pulak :
1 biji bawang besar
sedikit halia di hiris halus
4 ulas bawang putih di tumbuk kasar
10 cili padi di ketuk sedikit kemudian di potong kecil
2 sudu makan sos tiram
3 sudu makan sos cili thai nampla
1 sudu makan sos ikan
1/2 sudu makan sos hoisin (kalau tak suka tak perlu pakai)
sikit garam (jika perlu)
sikit lada hitam
2 sudu tepung ubi dicampur dengan suku cawan air.
daun ketumbar untuk hiasan
1) Panaskan kuali besar dan isi dengan minyak yang banyak (deep frying)
2) Goreng ikan sampai garing. Angkat dan ketepikan dulu
3) Di dalam kuali berasingan, panaskan sedikit minyak dan tumis bwg putih, bwg merah dan halia.
4) Kemudian masukkan cili yang dipotong tadi.
5) Masukkan air anggaran satu gelas (kalau nak sos yg banyak, lebihkan air)
6) Sekarang masukkan sos cili nampla, sos ikan, sos hoisin dan sos tiram.
7) Biarkan mendidih. Rasa dulu kalau kurang masin baru ditambah garam.
8) Masukkan pula lada hitam. Kacau rata.
9) Kemudian tuang masuk air campuran tepung ubi dan kacau rata. Tak perlu tuang semua, cukup sekadar sos kita memekat.
10) Bila dah pekat, bolehlah di tutup api.
11) Sekarang tuang kesemua sos keatas ikan yang digoreng tadi dan hiaskan dengan potongan daun ketumbar atau hirisan cili.
Selamat mencuba!
Salam dari saya,
9th.Aug '14
Masih tak terlambat lagi kan untuk saya mengucapkan salam aidil fitri ni. Di sana sini masih ada rumah terbuka yang di anjurkan oleh rakan dan teman.
Dah muak sangat-sangat dah makan makanan hari raya ni. Ayam daging ayam daging! Peti sejuk saya dah saya kosongkan daripada daging-daging ni....tak la selamanya, cuma untuk seminggu dua ni.
Disebabkan dah lama saya tak makan nasi sebelah malam, malam tadi saya buat ikan tiga rasa (versi saya), ketam cili dan sikit sayur. Bukannya apa, kat sini mahal kalau nak makan macam ni di luar. Rindu pulak kat Langkawi bila fikir bab-bab makanan laut ni.
Bahan-bahan :
1 ekor ikan (siakap, jenahak, gerut atau apa-apa yg anda suka)
sikit garam dan tepung ubi.
Lumurkan ikan tadi dengan garam dan tepung ubi.
Untuk sos pulak :
1 biji bawang besar
sedikit halia di hiris halus
4 ulas bawang putih di tumbuk kasar
10 cili padi di ketuk sedikit kemudian di potong kecil
2 sudu makan sos tiram
3 sudu makan sos cili thai nampla
1 sudu makan sos ikan
1/2 sudu makan sos hoisin (kalau tak suka tak perlu pakai)
sikit garam (jika perlu)
sikit lada hitam
2 sudu tepung ubi dicampur dengan suku cawan air.
daun ketumbar untuk hiasan
1) Panaskan kuali besar dan isi dengan minyak yang banyak (deep frying)
2) Goreng ikan sampai garing. Angkat dan ketepikan dulu
3) Di dalam kuali berasingan, panaskan sedikit minyak dan tumis bwg putih, bwg merah dan halia.
4) Kemudian masukkan cili yang dipotong tadi.
5) Masukkan air anggaran satu gelas (kalau nak sos yg banyak, lebihkan air)
6) Sekarang masukkan sos cili nampla, sos ikan, sos hoisin dan sos tiram.
7) Biarkan mendidih. Rasa dulu kalau kurang masin baru ditambah garam.
8) Masukkan pula lada hitam. Kacau rata.
9) Kemudian tuang masuk air campuran tepung ubi dan kacau rata. Tak perlu tuang semua, cukup sekadar sos kita memekat.
10) Bila dah pekat, bolehlah di tutup api.
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Gambar krang menuaskan |
11) Sekarang tuang kesemua sos keatas ikan yang digoreng tadi dan hiaskan dengan potongan daun ketumbar atau hirisan cili.
Selamat mencuba!
Salam dari saya,
9th.Aug '14
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